Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Must See Movie

We recently watched a movie called As With Roses. The movie is set in 1651, and tells the story of Obadiah Holmes, a man who knew what he believed and stood by it no matter what. See the trailer here: http://www.shilohfilms.org/as_with_roses.html

I was fascinated by this movie for several reasons. Holmes was beaten because he didn't subscribe to some of the unbiblical beliefs of the Congregational church. And it was churchmen that beat him!

My 11 generations back grandfather, John Crandall, is featured in the movie for just a little bit. He accompanied Holmes and their pastor on the trip that is mentioned in the movie, and he was jailed as well. He was allowed to leave with the agreement that he would come back and stand trial. Different versions of history say he did, others say he did not return for trial.

He did, however, help found the city of Westerly, Rhode Island. He was born in Westerleigh, England, so it is assumed that is where the RI town's name came from. He became the first pastor of the Baptist church in Westerly.

Wow! I have always loved the study of history. It surely comes alive when your faith is shown to have an intricate part in that history, and then when your family line is intertwined with it!!

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